Friday, July 15, 2005

wahahaah .. well a week has passed . well in the future i will only update when i'm friggin free la or bored . i'll mostly me in skool till late so since i'm home early , shall blog

let's just say there's sum problems again . shan't elaborate . top secret =) hehe

well listening was ok la . seem to have all answers matched wif shan ling . hopefully can score la .. hehe

well i have slacked a bit these few days . need to buck up le . hahaha must push if SA dun accept me i'll try for AC under o level results lor . at leat got freedom to either go back fer band or try another cca la .. ahhaha thanks to those who cheered me up la ..

well me also changing myself la . also adapting le ...

sometimes i see that three in class and i shake my head
i once said that if this goes on , they'll onli have each other as friends when they leave .
one of them is self centred , the other sissy n gayish the third is actually a follower . ain't much a leader as i thought tt person was . well last time spoke to tt person seemed strong and willing . gues nw i really get to see a 360 view of that person's true colors . lolz ... i just shake my head la . contradict themselves non stop . hahahah tt's funny . say words won't hurt that person but actually .. hiaz ppl say a three lettered word and tt person ends up on the verge of tears ... dumb dumb

i gotta control myself la .. i get so agitated and frustrated recently .. dunno why . sorri guys if i blew up at you all .

hahaha well i dunno wad else to write la .. as usual i feel that the school system kinda suck la . mayb cuz diff approach of leadership .

mrs kum came in and sorta gave as a lecture on our attitude la . well i listened every word of it . hey we are wrong but if i am wrong , i'm gonna change ...

to all fellow 4/1ers : mr chow is a good teacher we should let him enjoy himself teaching the class fer the rest of our aes lives k ?

gotta go ...

take carre everyone

god bless

( thank you for lord helping me thru chinese Os . let me get sumthing good ... thank you )

` slamdunk-ed at 6:06 PM

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